Optimizing EHR Training: Scheduling, Measuring, and Collecting Feedback

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized the way healthcare providers store and manage patient information. EHRs provide real-time, secure, and accurate patient information, which leads to improved patient outcomes. However, healthcare providers need to be properly trained on how to use EHRs effectively. Training sessions can be time-consuming and require a lot of resources. Therefore, […]

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AI’s Turning Point in Health Delivery: The Importance of Hospitals and Health Systems Focusing on AI Governance

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in the healthcare industry in recent years, and its impact is only expected to grow in the coming years. From disease diagnosis to treatment planning and patient monitoring, AI has the potential to transform the way healthcare is delivered. However, the integration of AI into healthcare comes […]

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Challenges in Implementing Workday HR Software

The number of Healthcare organizations implementing Workday HR Software is increasing rapidly. The reason for the rise of implementation of Workday software amongst the healthcare industry is because it’s helping these hospitals meet their healthcare management goals as well as their ERP demands. What is Workday HR Software? Is Workday an ERP System? Workday HR […]

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Virtelligence: Happy Thanksgiving Message

Thanksgiving Message for its Customers We are thankful to our loyal customers that you place your trust and confidence in us. We aim and hope that our journey together is cherishing and remembering one. From Virtelligence family to yours, we are thankful to each of you. May the blessings be yours on this Thanksgiving. CEO […]

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Why Vendor Experience Is A Crucial Factor In EHR Implementation?

The subject of EHR and EHR implementation is very diverse. Innovation and bringing change into a healthcare organization can be a significant challenge. Whereas the Hospital’s CTOs and CIOs are keen on enhancing patient care delivery by incorporating modern technology. Boonstra, Versulius and Vos systematic literature review in 2014 on implementing EHR showed positive effects […]

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Steps for Successful Epic Go Live

  Those health care organizations looking to successfully Go-Live must ensure that the following steps are in place to successfully transition to live the Epic system. Laying the groundwork for Epic Go-Live Success In order for the Epic planning and implementation to take off the health care organization must ensure that it has the requisite […]

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Useful Tips for Remarkable Integration Project Management

    When it comes to managing an integration project for healthcare IT or any other industry, the project management team fundamentally works as the glue that holds everything together. They are responsible to ensure client satisfaction and effective communication, holding project resources – counting vendors, contractors, developers, and more – and supervise both the […]

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