Recruiting top talent is key to the success of any business. But with so many candidates out there, how do you find the right fit for your team? One effective way is to attend recruitment events, where you can connect with job seekers face-to-face and get a better sense of their skills and personality. In this guide, we’ve compiled the 22 must-attend recruitment events of 2023. From industry-specific conferences to general job fairs, these events offer a great opportunity to meet potential hires and take your business to the next level.
Industry-Specific Conferences
If you’re looking for candidates with specialized skills and knowledge, industry-specific conferences can be a great place to start. Here are some events to add to your calendar:
HR Tech Conference
10-13 October, 2023Los Vegas The HR Tech Conference is an annual event that is widely recognized as a leading platform for HR professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends in their industry. This conference features numerous sessions on a wide range of topics related to HR technology, including innovations in HR analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, and much more.
Unleash America Date
April 26-27, 2023 Las Vegas Unleash America is a two-day event focused on the hiring industry, bringing together recruiters and hiring managers from across the country. Attendees can expect keynote speakers, workshops, networking opportunities, and more. This event has been supporting startups, breakthrough technologies, and global innovators in HR for over a decade. If you’re seeking clients or candidates in the tech industry, Unleash America is the place to be.
California HR Conference
Long Beach 2023 Date: May 8-10, 2023 The California HR Conference is an annual event that draws professionals from all over the state to discuss current HR issues and trends, as well as providing attendees with opportunities to network with other professionals in the field. The conference has an impressive lineup of industry experts as speakers, and attendees can get their questions answered by top experts who can help them advance in their careers.
ERE Recruiting Conference
San Diego May 22-24, 2023 The ERE Recruiting Conference is a must-attend event for recruiters, HR professionals, and hiring managers from some of the world’s largest companies. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about how these companies are looking for the best candidates and how they can help attendees get hired.
Engage Boston 2023
Date: May 31-June 1 2023 Boston Engage Boston 2023 is a recruiting event that offers a mix of fun and educational activities. Attendees can participate in panels, workshops, and networking opportunities that will provide insights on how to find and hire top talent in today’s job market. This event is suitable for both employers and job seekers.
Future of Work USA
Date: June 6–7, 2023 Location: Chicago Experience the leading conference dedicated to exploring the future of work and discovering strategies to prepare for it. Attend panel discussions and take advantage of networking opportunities, and learn about new trends in hiring. Discover how AI is transforming the recruitment process, explore ways to attract candidates who prioritize purpose, and learn how to use technology to increase efficiency in your organization.
Date: June 11-14, 2023 Location: Las Vegas Join the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the largest professional association for HR professionals, at their annual conference in Las Vegas. Connect with HR professionals from around the globe and share best practices and knowledge. With over 25,000 attendees from all over the world in 2020, this event is a must-attend for recruiters and HR professionals.
Irresistible (Josh Bersin Conference)
June 20-22, 2023 Los Angeles Discover the latest strategies to improve your recruitment process, attract top talent, and leverage cutting-edge technologies to transform your hiring process. Join industry leaders and explore the latest trends in recruitment.
Future of Performance Management
Date: July 12–13, 2023 Location: Virtual event Join this virtual event to discover how to use performance management to engage employees and drive results. Learn how to create a culture of accountability that fosters employee engagement and drives business outcomes. Connect with thought leaders and experts in the field of performance management.
Nashville September 13-14, 2023 It is ideal event for novice and prospective recruiters to gain experience in the recruitment industry. Each year, RecFest is a celebration of the shared passion of employers and job seekers for the recruitment industry, making it a not-to-be-missed event for anyone seeking a new career or hoping to recruit top talent.
The Ohio SHRM 2023 HR Conference
Sandusky September 20-22, 2023 It is the perfect opportunity to network with the finest recruiters and talented professionals in your industry. This conference will include keynote speakers and workshops on topics such as employee retention, diversity and inclusion, among others, making it a must-attend event for anyone seeking ways to attract top talent to their region.
The Recruitment Agency Expo
Birmingham October 4-5, 2023 This event offers an excellent chance to connect with the most influential figures in the UK’s recruitment industry, including thought leaders and recruiters from top-tier firms. The expo will also include workshops on recruitment trends and best practices to help businesses improve.
October 30 to November 1, 2023Savannah The SHRM Inclusion 2023 event is scheduled to take place in Savannah from. Organized by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), this event is focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Attendees will gain valuable insights and guidance on fostering an inclusive work environment through over 50 educational sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.
UKG Aspire
November 6 to November 9, 2023Las Vegas from A recruitment event that goes beyond job opportunities, is scheduled to take place both virtually and in. This conference is designed to provide a platform for professionals to connect with like-minded individuals and expand their knowledge and skills. Attendees can expect to gain inspiration and fresh ideas to improve their work, while networking with other professionals who share their interests.
Future of Employee Engagement
November 8-9, 2023 HR.com’s event Future of Employee Engagement is scheduled to take place virtually. This conference aims to educate companies on how to adapt their organizational culture and employee engagement programs to attract and retain top talent. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore how recruitment practices will evolve to meet the changing demands of the workforce, and will gain insights on how to implement these changes to be better prepared for the future.