Healthcare IT NewsWe’ve got a relatively light roundup this week, but it’s still chock-full of important information. We hope you enjoy reading, and have a happy Friday!

IoT Security Is Essential To Healthcare
When is comes to the IoT and Cybersecurity, you can never be too safeThis article by Damon Hopley at Healthcare IT News helps you better understand your cybersecurity vulnerabilities. It’s crucial that your organization maintains the security of all the information stored in your Electronic Health Record (EHR), and Hopley correctly points out that you no matter how secure you think your system is, there is probably more than a few ways a hacker can get in.Make sure your cybersecurity protocol is adequate.
Achieving High ROI On EHRs Takes Work
You likely understand the importance of a functioning EHR at your hospital or health system, but you might not know that your software is probably not functioning at its maximum capacity. The problem, as John Andrews explains, is that “[m]aking the most of electronic health records is easier said than done.” Because healthcare is constantly evolving, you have to continuously optimize your EHR to work with the changing environment. If your organization needs help staying on top of changes,MACRA and MIPS ,contact us.
Cybersecurity Consultants Are Here to Help
If you only read one thing about cybersecurity in a large hospital or health system, make it this article by Healthcare Informatics. Cybersecurity Consultants Weigh In: Healthcare Organizations Shouldn’t Go It Alone by Heather Landi takes advice from a multitude of cybersecurity consultants. These are the professionals who have been at the front lines of privacy and cybersecurity protocols in healthcare, and they’re here to offer advice for traversing this uncertain landscape.
Virtelligence at CHIME
We’re going to be at the CHIME/HIMSS Conference later this month, and we hope we’ll see you there! If you’re interested in speaking to a member of our team while you’re at the conference, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here. We’d love to grab a drink or a bite to eat.
If you’re a consultant looking for a new opportunity, we’ve also added some new jobs to our Weekly Jobs Spotlight.