The number of Healthcare organizations implementing Workday HR Software is increasing rapidly. The reason for the rise of implementation of Workday software amongst the healthcare industry is because it’s helping these hospitals meet their healthcare management goals as well as their ERP demands. What is Workday HR Software? Is Workday an ERP System? Workday HR […]
Author: Cory James
Virtelligence: Happy Thanksgiving Message
Thanksgiving Message for its Customers We are thankful to our loyal customers that you place your trust and confidence in us. We aim and hope that our journey together is cherishing and remembering one. From Virtelligence family to yours, we are thankful to each of you. May the blessings be yours on this Thanksgiving. CEO […]
Why Vendor Experience Is A Crucial Factor In EHR Implementation?
The subject of EHR and EHR implementation is very diverse. Innovation and bringing change into a healthcare organization can be a significant challenge. Whereas the Hospital’s CTOs and CIOs are keen on enhancing patient care delivery by incorporating modern technology. Boonstra, Versulius and Vos systematic literature review in 2014 on implementing EHR showed positive effects […]