
4 Increasingly Important Trends of Healthcare IT

  Mostly, successful business persons make sure to follow latest and most important trends in their business fields. There are innovators in every business field setting the trends setters, and there are also people who recognize the trends and follow them. The rest of the people are those who neither create nor follow the trends. […]

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7 Tips for Improved Cybersecurity in Healthcare

It is no surprise that healthcare organizations have been a target of cyber attacks for a while now. Each year, these attacks are not only increasing in numbers, but they are also becoming more complicated and difficult to predict.  Health systems are subject to various types of cyber attack, including ransomware, phishing schemes, and encrypted […]

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How To Keep Your Business Safe From Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware, it sounds like quite a threatening term – because it is. In layman terms, a Ransomware is a malicious piece of software that’s programmed to infect computer systems. These ‘viruses’ often go undetected into a hard drive of a system triggered by an unintentional email link or suspicious files. Once infected, systems (whether a […]

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