It’s been quite a busy week in the Healthcare IT realm. We sifted through the ‘world wide web’ to bring you the top healthcare stories and topics!

Electronic Health Records and Analytics
Geneia CTO, Fred Rahmanian had a lot to say on the state of EHRs right now and its connection with analytics. Healthcare analytics is at the fore-front of EHR market and if we talk about healthcare organizations, the early bird gets the worm. Talking about analytics, this article from fiercehealthcare mentions that more than 30 percent of hospitals have used some form of ‘predictive data analytics’ for more than a year. In support of this, a significant majority of healthcare executives think that such sophisticated analytics technology can help to improve patient care.
Cybersecurity in Healthcare IT
Our team at Virtelligence came up with a few suggestions on managing Cybersecurity in the healthcare IT industry.From always making a plan to running your company’s system in a test environment – conducting an all-inclusive risk analysis with help from the industry’s strongest IT security knowledge experts can give you a much clearer picture.
API’s to revolutionize healthcare?
The safe (and secure) exchange of patient data across multiple platforms and venues will be of prime importance of healthcare IT companies as we move ahead into the future. This is where APIs come in to revolutionize the way we look at healthcare management and to make path for a robust healthcare IT eco-system. More on Virtelligence this week
- New Jobs: Epic Program Manager, SharePoint Administrator, Technical Writer, and more!
And with that, we wish you a wonderful weekend!