Healthcare IT News
Traditionally, we have reserved this space to talk about the articles from outside sources that we have found interesting in the last couple weeks. However, it turns out we’ve been busy writing articles of our own! We took at a look at three very important things on tap for 2017, and of course we added another edition of our Weekly Jobs Spotlight for those of you who are looking for new opportunities.

Our first article explores perhaps the most pressing issue facing large organizations (and especially health systems) in the new year. 2016 saw an explosing in hacking and cybersecurity threats, and it’s not likely to calm down in 2016. Read our take on this phenomenon, as well as how we can help your organization up its defenses.
Informatics is a loaded word, but it’s also a very important one. Over the past decade, healthcare has taken a steadfast approach to improving its use of data and analytics. We’ve seen the rise of the EHR, as well as the invention of the Internet of Things. With so much information available to your organization, it is important to maximize your ROI for the data you’re collecting. Read how we can help.
MACRA and MIPS: What do they mean?
MACRA went live on January 1st, 2017 to little fanfare and no new information. If you’re unsure what MACRA is, or if you’re looking for help with your MACRA initiatives, this article is well worth a read.
Always our most popular feature, we highlighted a few of our most in-demand opportunities this week, including: Systems Administrator, Epic Project Manager, Applications Analyst, and more.
Now that you’ve read about what to expect in 2017, it might be time to evaluate how your organization plans on dealing with the challenges that will be come from this new year. Virtelligence HIT and IT consultants are well-versed in existing and emerging healthcare technology. It doesn’t matter what your IT initiatives are – we can match you with expert staff to fulfill your IT needs. We’ve had successful partnerships with large businesses and healthcare organizations since 1998, and we boast a 95% client retention rate. That longevity and client satisfaction work in combination with our exceptional consultants to give us a Top 8 KLAS Ranking for IT Implementation Support and Staffing Firms. It only takes a minute to let us know how we can help you.