Happy Tuesday! We hope you had a great (hopefully long) holiday weekend! To jumpstart your 2017 job hunting, here’s our last Weekly Jobs Spotlight of 2016. To apply for any of these jobs, go here or email kschulte@virtelligence.com Epic Instructional Designer (Inpatient) Location: Mississippi Industry: Healthcare IT Consulting Job Description: Instructional Designer (ID) is responsible for […]
Cybersecurity Outlook for 2017
The Not-So-Good: Cybersecurity attacks rose in 2016 If you’ve been paying attention to information technology news (specifically in relation to healthcare), you’ve probably noticed one of the most common themes of 2016 was cybersecurity. You might have seen buzzwords such as ransomware, hacking, cybersecurity, and/or data breach. That’s because many IT departments, especially at large […]
Round-up: Healthcare IT Trends to Look for in 2017
Healthcare IT News Happy Friday! This edition of our Round-Up is strictly focused on Healthcare IT and what the industry is shaping up to look like in 2017. These articles cover everything from curious trends to emerging tech to policy change expectations. If you’re interested in healthcare IT, there’s bound to be something for you […]
The Future of Care: Project ECHO, Telehealth, and Mobile Consulting
When Telehealth was in its infancy, it was seen as a niche solution in an industry already saturated with seemingly endless healthcare alternatives. It has since evolved to a widespread fix for many of healthcare’s most tricky problems. Yesterday (November 30th), the Senate passed the Project ECHO bill, which will work to increase telehealth access […]
WJS: Epic Beaker, Cerner Consultant, Senior Systems Analyst, and more!
Happy Monday! We’re hoping that the long holiday weekend treated you nicely. To get back into the swing of things, we have a full slate of new opportunities for you this week! Check out our Weekly Jobs Spotlight below for exciting contract and full time consulting positions. Epic Beaker Build Analyst Location: Phoenix, Arizona Industry: Healthcare IT […]
Virtelligence at the Cerner Health Conference 2016
Virtelligence is at the Cerner Health Conference 2016 this week! It promises to be a week filled with excellent Cerner education opportunities and networking. We cannot wait to meet other professionals in the healthcare IT industry. The takeaways from events like this are what separates Virtelligence from the rest of the Cerner consulting firms out there. […]
Round-up: The Election’s Effect on HIT, HIMSS NorCal, and more
Healthcare IT News Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served! This week, as you would expect, was dominated by news of the election. The results have had an unclear, yet far-reaching effect on the healthcare industry. The following articles do the best job explaining what the potential healthcare and health IT side-effects are as […]
Virtelligence at HIMSS NorCal Annual CxO Summit
We’re looking forward to being in Santa Clara, California next week for the HIMSS NorCal Annual CxO Summit. The list of speakers from health systems and hospitals like Sutter Health, Stanford, UCSF, and others looks to be phenomenal. Those speakers, complemented by sessions about the landscape of Health IT, has us anticipating an afternoon chock […]