Board of Advisors

Proven Leadership, Improved Productivity

Virtelligence Advisory board consists of physicians, experts in
technology, financial industry leaders and legal experts.


Irfan Altafullah, MD

Dr. Altafullah is a practicing physician who is Board-Certified in Neurology and Vascular Neurology. He has also completed the AMIA 10x10 course in Medical Informatics through the Oregon Health Sciences University. Since 2006, he has been the CMIO of North Memorial Health Care and has overseen implementation of Epic at North Memorial Medical Center and the Maple Grove Hospital. Both institutions have qualified for Stage I Meaningful Use. In his capacity as CMIO, Dr. Altafullah participates in IT Governance and has oversight of Order Set creation and maintenance using the Zynx platform, Clinical Decision Support, Epic Optimization, and is the principal liaison between the medical staff and IT.

Dennis Sato

Dennis Sato

Dennis Sato has over 30 years of health care and management experience having served in both public and private sectors. He Named IT Executive of the Year Dennis Sato, IT Executive of the Year The Society of Information Management has named Dennis Sato, CIO for Salem Hospital Regional Health Services, IT Executive of the Year for the state of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The honor came for Mr. Sato's work in implementing a hospital-wide clinical information system for Salem Hospital, along with his extensive community involvement. Mr. Sato's former CIO positions include El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, CA and for the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. He has served in senior management positions as the Chief Information Officer of six organizations California, Oregon, and Hawaii and the interim CEO of the Oahu Region for Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC). He served as the Vice President of the HHSC Foundation Board and Assisting Living business entity. He has chaired the Diversity and Cultural Competence Committee for two hospitals.


Jeffrey C. Robbins

Jeffrey C. Robbins is a tech-savvy attorney and practice head of the Entrepreneurial Services Group of Messerli & Kramer P.A. in Minneapolis. He has focused on entrepreneurs and investors for over 25 years, representing both public and private companies, investment banking firms, and venture fund investors. Mr. Robbins is a former chairman of Hennepin County Bar Association, Securities Law Section. He is spearheading AngelPolleNation, a networking group for accredited investors whose first event attracted more than 70 interested investors. He earned both his B.A. in Speech Communications and J.D., Law with honors from the University of Minnesota.


Mark S. O’Connell

Mark S. O’Connell is Advisory Board Member and Financial Consultant to Virtelligence. He has extensive experience working closely with businesses engaged in various tax and consulting services. He has been working with numerous small to mid-size businesses in both technology and the healthcare sectors for over 10 years. He also owns and operates a boutique CPA firm located in Edina Minnesota. A Certified Public Accountant, Mark is a graduate of University of St. Thomas where he earned an MBA.